Watching your loved one struggle with drug addiction is difficult. All you want to do is get them the help that they need to get sober; however, the reality is many struggling addicts resist treatment or feel like they do not need help. This is why working with a drug interventionist can help. In this article, you’ll learn more about the various benefits of working with an interventionist below.
At 90210 Recovery, we are a luxury drug rehab that helps patients safely break free from addiction and achieve long-lasting sobriety. You should never feel afraid or ashamed to ask for help to lead a healthier, happier quality of life. We offer a comprehensive range of addiction treatment to ensure you receive the tailored support you need on your road to recovery. Contact us today to learn more about how we can best support your recovery journey.
What is an Interventionist?
Before diving into the benefits of working with a drug interventionist, it’s important to understand what an interventionist is. An interventionist is a trained professional who helps guide and organize a safe space to discuss with an addict about seeking professional addiction treatment. Oftentimes, family and friends may struggle to know how to effectively discuss with their loved one how to seek addiction treatment.
An interventionist aims to create a specific time, place, and a safe space, to discuss an addict’s drug addiction with the goal of encouraging them to seek professional addiction treatment. It’s important to understand that an interventionist does not force an addict to seek treatment; however, they can help enforce boundaries between the addict and their loved ones if the addict chooses to not seek professional help for their addiction.
5 Benefits of Working with an Interventionist
Experienced Expert Who Can Help
A benefit of working with an interventionist is they are an experienced expert who can help you facilitate an intervention. Oftentimes, family members and friends can struggle to discuss an addict’s drug problem in a safe, judgment-free manner. This is where a drug interventionist can help!
Understands How to Plan and Guide An Addict to Seek Treatment
Because it is the interventionist’s job to plan and guide interventions, they know how to set up an effective intervention. This includes knowing how to set up a specific time and date, as well as creating a safe space so the addict does not feel judged during the intervention.
Provides an Objective Supporter Outside the Family
When family members and friends are involved in trying to get their loved one to seek treatment, sometimes they may struggle to be successful because they are not objective supporters. An interventionist provides an outside, unbiased perspective to help the addict seek professional treatment.
Helps Support Family Members Through the Recovery Process
It can be difficult for the loved ones of the addict to watch them struggle with addiction. Therefore, a drug interventionist can also provide support and resources for family members to be able to cope effectively with having a loved one struggle with addiction.
Eliminates Enabling Behaviors if an Addict Doesn’t Seek Treatment
An interventionist can help reduce any enabling behaviors that can occur if an addict decides to not seek treatment. It’s critical that even if an addict doesn’t accept treatment after an intervention you establish healthy boundaries to eliminate any enabling behaviors that could be unintentionally fueling their addiction. While this may look different for everyone, this can look like no longer giving a loved one struggling with addiction money because you know they use that money to fuel their addiction.
Help Is Available
Now you know more about the many benefits of working with a drug interventionist. While an interventionist does not guarantee to help your loved one seek treatment, an interventionist is an experienced professional who knows how to facilitate an intervention to discuss an addict’s drug problem and potential treatment options in a safe, organized manner.
At 90210 Recovery, our compassionate team of addiction specialists and mental health professionals are here to help you take back control of your life. Gone are the days of suffering in silence with your addiction. We offer a wide range of addiction treatment options and programs because we understand each patient’s recovery journey is uniquely different. Ready to start your road to recovery? Contact us today!