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What Are the Stages of Addiction Recovery?

Recognizing you have a drug problem and seeking help is the first critical step in every individual’s recovery journey. While beginning your road to recovery is exciting, it can also be overwhelming as you may not know exactly what to expect along your recovery journey. In this article, you’ll learn more about what are the stages of addiction recovery so you can know more about what to expect along your recovery journey. 

At 90210 Recovery, we are a luxury drug rehab that helps patients receive the one-of-a-kind treatment they need to break free from the chains of addiction and achieve long-term sobriety. No more suffering alone with your addiction. We understand how debilitating addiction can be, and that’s why we offer a comprehensive range of addiction treatment options that best meet your recovery needs. Ready to start your road to recovery? Contact us today!

4 Steps to Expect Along Your Addiction Recovery Journey

Wondering what are the stages of addiction recovery? 

Starting your recovery journey and acknowledging that you need help for your drug problem can be both exciting yet overwhelming. Oftentimes, many people struggling with addiction may not know all the stages of addiction recovery, which can make the recovery process seem daunting. Below is a breakdown of various stages of addiction recovery you can expect along your recovery journey. 

1. Acknowledging You Need Help

The first stage of the addiction recovery process is acknowledging you need help. Oftentimes, addicts can struggle to recognize their substance abuse is an issue, which can inevitably interfere with virtually all different aspects of their health and quality of life for the worse. Therefore, if you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, it’s essential you understand your drug problem is an issue, and that you need to get clean. 

2. Seeking Professional Treatment

The next step along an addict’s recovery journey is typically seeking professional treatment for their drug problem. While you can detox and break free from addiction on your own, it is not only more difficult to do so, but depending upon the severity for your addiction may even lead to life-threatening consequences. This is why it’s important to consider seeking professional addiction treatment if you are struggling with a drug problem. 

3. Detoxification & Learning Healthy Coping Strategies

During treatment, you’ll be able to detox from drugs and alcohol. The detoxification process is a necessary stage in every addict’s recovery journey where your body learns to adapt to no longer consuming the addictive drug, which then leads to short-term withdrawal symptoms like irritability, sleep problems, headaches, and more as your body adapts.

Once you’ve detoxed and overcome withdrawal symptoms, you’ll then start to learn healthy coping strategies you can use to help you maintain long-term sobriety. 

4. Maintaining Long-Term Sobriety

Last but not least, it’s critical to understand that the road to recovery is a life-long journey that is filled with many ups and downs. And, unfortunately overcoming addiction and seeking treatment does not guarantee life-long sobriety. In fact, around 40-60% of people treated for substance use disorders are estimated to relapse. This staggering statistic showcases just how critical it is to prioritize the recovery journey, even after achieving sobriety. 

You should also never feel afraid to ask for help wherever you are along your recovery journey! Whether you are just starting your recovery journey, or have been sober for years, you should never feel too ashamed or afraid to ask for help when it comes to supporting your road to recovery. 

Help Is Available 

Now you know more about the different stages of addiction recovery to expect. While each addict’s exact recovery journey is unique, all addicts must detox and ultimately learn coping strategies to help maintain long-term sobriety. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, it’s essential you seek professional support to help you safely and effectively achieve lasting sobriety. 

90210 Recovery is committed to helping patients safely and effectively overcome addiction and achieve long-term sobriety. Addiction is an isolating disease that destroys virtually all aspects of your life for the worse. However, you should never feel afraid or ashamed to ask for help in getting clean. We offer a comprehensive range of addiction treatment to ensure you receive the best possible care for your unique recovery needs. Ready to start your recovery journey? Contact us today!


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